
Corporate & Commercial Law

Corporate & Commercial services are able to be offered on a fixed fee basis. We will try our best to offer you a competitive fixed fee rate. However, our charges are primarily calculated by reference to the time spent by our fee earners in respect of any work which they do on a client’s behalf. This will include preparation for, attendance at and follow up from meetings, reading and working on documents, correspondence, including emails and time spent travelling from the office when this is necessary. 

Routine letters will be charged at six minute units of time and we will also charge for the time spent making and taking telephone calls and considering incoming letters at six minute units. 

Our charges are primarily based on the amount of time we spend, and the billing rate for each fee-earner, consultant and caseworker devoting time, in dealing with any particular case. 

Our fees can be calculated on the basis of the following hourly rates:

Asylum & Protection Law

We are registered with the OISC to provide Asylum and Protection work at the highest level (Level 3) which enables us to provide full representation in the Courts and Tribunals. We charge on a fixed fee basis only for Asylum & Protection work. However, should you wish to withdraw instructions part way through your case we will charge you for all work we have undertaken on your behalf at an hourly rate of £350.00 + VAT. VAT may or may not be chargeable depending on each clients' individual circumstances. Our fixed fees are as follows.

Business & Private Immigration Law

We are registered with the OISC to provide Immigration legal services at Level 3. A number of our Business & Private Immigration Advisers are qualified Soilcitors and Barristers whom are acting in their capacity as Immigration Advisers. Take notice that our Immigration Lawyers are acting in their capacity as Advisers only. We charge on a fixed fee basis only for Business & Private Immigration work. However, should you wish to withdraw instructions part way through your immigration case we will charge you for all work we have undertaken on your behalf at an hourly rate of £350.00 + VAT. VAT may or may not be chargeable depending on each clients' individual circumstances. Our fixed fees are as follows.