
Philip Jones Legal’s lawyers have advised high profile clients in numerous international arbitral proceedings. The firm enjoys a reputation of successfully assisting the clients in situations of complex international arbitrations and related court challenges, including enforcement actions. While the demand for international arbitration is constantly rising, Philip Jones Legal’s lawyers continue to tackle every case uniquely with innovative strategies, dynamism, and seamless service.

The contract you’ve signed may contain an arbitration clause. Arbitration clauses are frequently incorporated into business contracts because arbitral awards are recognised and enforceable by treaty, The New York Convention, in more than 150 countries. Arbitration is a powerful tool for businesses because it provides you a remedy if you’ve been wronged in the course of business. It is a means of resolving disputes by appointing a suitable 3rd party to provide a legally binding decision. 

Arbitration can be agreed in advance by including an arbitration clause in a contract or later by agreement after a dispute has arisen. 

Arbitration has many benefits, for instance:

You can choose a neutral venue to determine disputes. It avoids the use of one of the contracting parties national courts which may be unacceptable or undesirable to the other.

It offers flexibility and choice picking the decision makers, the law, the venue and the rules of engagement. 

Arbitration is also confidential. Sensitive commercial information is not in the public domain.

Arbitration is final and binding. This means arbitration awards, unlike court orders, are generally not subject to appeal. This protects businesses from being tied up in appeals for years and brings closure to disputes in a business-like and efficient manner.

The New York Convention is internationally recognised and you can enforce your arbitration award as if it were a domestic court order.

As well as sitting as Arbitrators, our team represents clients throughout a dispute’s life cycle, from drafting dispute resolution clauses, commencing arbitral proceedings, representation at the arbitration hearing either in-house or by Britain’s top Barristers including King’s Counsel and Juniors, up to the point of obtaining the award.

International commercial arbitration is advantageous in that is can be a faster and less costly process than taking a dispute to court. 

We integrate substantive legal expertise and comprehensive industry knowledge, to address our client needs from a holistic perspective.

Contact or call 020 3 573 0860 for any international commercial arbitration assistance.